Wednesday, 30 August 2017

Diabetes Neuropathy Pain

Diabetes neuropathy is a condition resulting from having uncontrolled diabetes for a long duration. Here, the nerves get damaged leading to various forms of discomfort such as numbness, tingling/burning sensation, and pain, etc. It is worth noting that symptoms like tingling sensation and numbness, etc, are felt during the very initial stages of the condition.
In this particular write-up, we will focus only on the aspect of pain related to neuropathy and which is experienced with the progression of neuropathy.  

Diabetes Neuropathy Pain – More Details
Let us now attempt to get more details of the pain associated with diabetic neuropathy.

Ø  In major chunk of the cases, the pain is a direct outcome of peripheral neuropathy- the condition that directly attacks the nerves.
Ø  As the neuropathy advances in the body, the person can feel pain in their legs and arms. In fact, this pain keeps aggravating during nighttime.
Ø  The pain attributable to neuropathy can be rather severe because; the damaged nerves direct more electrical signals towards brain than what actually are required. As an obvious consequence of that, even simple activities that are in no way painful cause excruciating pain.
Ø  This nerve pain is diametrically opposite to muscular pain, as the latter is just a response to something that actually happened. Whenever there is an injury, the nerves in your muscle emit electrical signals that are proportionate to the actual impact. And, the moment the injury is cured, the pain vanishes. But neuropathy pain completely blows things out of proportion.

Self-Help Tips to Manage Neuropathy Pain
Of course, getting the right medical treatment is the only way to be assured of diabetic neuropathy pain relief. But, there are some self-help tips that will surely help you to keep the pain under control, to a reasonable extent.

ü  First and foremost, exercise a tight control over the level of blood glucose. With this, you can slow down the damage to nerves and which in turn helps to minimize pain severity.
ü  Do not fail to note the very early signs of diabetic neuropathy and seek immediate guidance from your physician.
ü  Make it a point to carefully check the feet daily for any blisters/cuts.
ü  Rinse the feet using lukewarm water, minimum one time per day.
ü  First cover the feet with socks and only then wear shoes.
ü  Make sure that your toenails are always trimmed. Do not grow the toenail lest it cuts into the other toe.
ü  Stay away from all forms of tobacco smoking, for it just worsens the problem.

APT (Artificial Pancreas Treatment) Alleviates Diabetes Neuropathy Pain
It is understandable, if you have started to worry on reading the contents above. Diabetic neuropathy in general and, its pain in particular are indeed grave issues! But relax! You will now read about the most appropriate treatment that will soon better the things.
The advanced artificial pancreas treatment of neuropathy slowly but surely reverses the condition and in the process, even the pain gets obviously alleviated. This is because of the fact that APT regularizes the glucose metabolism and when this balance is restored, marked improvement in your condition is guaranteed.   

An associate of the US-based Trina Healthcare, Koya Diabetes Care is here to take care of the things for you. Koya, operating in Hyderabad, is one and only medical facility of India that offers top class APT. Just get in touch with this Hyderabad diabetes neuropathy treatment center and, you will be in safe hands.

Living with Diabetic Neuropathy

It is projected that diabetic neuropathy is a condition that impacts roughly 65% of the diabetics. This is more so when the blood glucose levels remain uncontrolled for abnormally long periods.
There are two types of this condition – peripheral neuropathy and autonomic neuropathy, with the former being the one seen in majority of cases. In this write-up, you will see as to how to live with diabetic neuropathy as well as the right treatment for the issue.

Physical Discomfort of Diabetic Neuropathy
The physical discomfort resulting from diabetic neuropathy is rather bothersome. There will be numbness/tingling sensation at feet/legs/ arms. In slightly advanced cases of the condition, the patient needs to put up even with excruciation pain.  

How to Live with Diabetic Neuropathy? 
Obviously, it is only when you get the most appropriate treatment for the issue that you can be almost fully redeemed of painful neuropathy. Yet, there definitely are certain things that you can do on your own, to prevent the things from going fully out of control. Please make a note of some of these vital guidelines.

Ø  Make sure that you bring the blood glucose levels under control at the earliest. You will be surprised to see that this small step will give substantial neuropathy pain relief.
Ø  Along with blood sugar levels, it is equally essential that even the blood pressure and body weight are kept under check.
Ø  Ensure that you always move around with slippers or shoes, so that you can safeguard the feet from injuries.
Ø  Take the analgesics prescribed by your physician.
Ø  Use the patches/creams for external application, as suggested by the doctor.
Ø  Try relaxation techniques like mediation, deep breathing, etc. Do not underestimate their ability to help you in managing the physical distress.
Ø  It is extremely crucial that you completely quit tobacco smoking and liquor. Otherwise, all the other self-help measures will be futile.
Ø  Just understand that you have a problem and that your pace must be modified accordingly.
Ø  Even few antidepressant medications will assist you in pain management, by working on the centers in brain related to pain perception. Remember, these medicines can be used only under medical supervision.
Ø  Be regular in providing feedback to your healthcare provider. This will enable them to promptly modify the treatment pattern, as and when needed. 

If you religiously adhere to the above guidelines, you can carry on with your daily routine with no major issues. There is no reason for you to develop a fatalistic attitude. However, it has to be highlighted that these guidelines have only a palliative effect; it is only the right treatment that will drastically improve things, on a long-term basis.

Artificial Pancreas Treatment (APT) Treats Diabetic Neuropathy
Yes! The sophisticated APT is the most effective treatment for reversing diabetic neuropathy. The APT brings about a significant improvement in the metabolism of blood glucose and, this nourishes the nerves that were hitherto subjected to starvation. This in turn treats the neuropathy and, you do not have to wait too long to experience the much-needed relief.  

The Koya Diabetes Care based in Hyderabad is here to help you out with the artificial pancreas treatment. There is only one medical facility in India offering APT and, it is Koya, which is an associate of Trina Healthcare headquartered in USA. Count upon this diabetes treatment in Hyderabad and you won’t be disappointed.  

Alcohol Peripheral Neuropathy

Alcohol peripheral neuropathy, as suggested by the name, is a condition resulting from excess consumption of alcohol. Here, the peripheral nerves get seriously impacted and, these are the nerves that enable signal transmission between spinal cord, body and brain.
Excess alcohol intake gravely depletes the levels of niacin, folate, vitamins B6 and B12 in your body. And, these are the nutrients that are vital to proper working of the peripheral nervous system.

Alcohol Peripheral Neuropathy- Signs and Symptoms
Here, it would be appropriate to briefly focus on the major signs and symptoms of peripheral neuropathy of this type.

ü  Numbness in legs and hands
ü  Pricking sensation
ü  Cramps/aches of muscles
ü  Weakness of muscles
ü  Diarrhea/constipation
ü  Vomiting/nausea
ü  Disorders related to movement
ü  Problems with speech

We need to understand that it is not necessary that the patient experiences all these symptoms; they could have only few of these signs. The exact neuropathy symptoms obviously do vary from one person to another

More about Alcohol Peripheral Neuropathy
The following are some more key points that will help you to have a basic understanding of the condition:

ü  Generally, alcohol peripheral neuropathy does not endanger the person’s life; but it surely impacts the quality of life.
ü  Nothing can be done about the already-present nerve damage in hands and feet/other sites of body. But, immediate cessation of alcohol will prevent more damage and thus betters the chances of significant improvement in health.
ü  It has been projected that roughly 50 percent of long-term alcoholics suffer peripheral neuropathy.
ü  And, most of these people pertain to the age group of 40-60.
Diagnosis of Peripheral Neuropathy
Apart from the usual blood tests, scans, etc, there are few other tests that are specific to alcohol peripheral neuropathy diagnosis. You will now have a glimpse of these.

Ø  Nerve conduction test: This test measures the pace with which the electrical signals travel in your nerves. Obviously, when peripheral neuropathy is present, the pace will be very low.
Ø  Electromyography: The muscular electrical activity is ascertained with electromyography. And, detection of irregular electrical activity leads to diagnosis of this form of neuropathy.
Ø  Skin biopsy: This is very helpful to detect the condition in initial stages. A very small skin fragment is taken out and studied with a microscope. The corresponding nerve fiber density is determined and, an abnormally low density indicates that it is a case of neuropathy.
Ø  Nerve biopsy: Here, a tiny portion of a nerve is removed and examined in the same way as that of skin biopsy.

Artificial Pancreas Treatment (APT) and Alcohol Peripheral Neuropathy
The sophisticated artificial pancreas treatment is an excellent way to treat alcohol peripheral neuropathy. The nerves, which have been subjected to starvation by neuropathy, instantly start to get nourishment, courtesy APT. Remember; you can be benefited from the treatment only when you totally quit alcohol consumption.  

The Indian Associate of US-based Trina Healthcare, Koya Diabetes Care operating in Hyderabad is here to give you the crucial artificial pancreas treatment. In fact, Koya is the one and only medical establishment of the sub-continent specializing in APT. It is ready with its expertise to change your life for the better!

Wednesday, 9 August 2017

Autonomic Diabetic Neuropathy

Among the numerous complications attributable to uncontrolled diabetes, you also have autonomic diabetic neuropathy. This is a serious condition where, the nerves controlling the automatic functions of your body get gravely impacted.

Here, there is a major obstruction for the messages that travel from your brain to regions of the autonomic nervous system. And, this tells upon the working of the heart, sweat glands, blood vessels, bladder and intestines, to name a few.  

What are the Implications of Autonomic Diabetic Neuropathy?

Depending on the exact group of the autonomic nerves that got affected, the following are few of the possible complications of this neuropathy:

  • When the damage is to the nerves related to bladder, there is abnormal urine retention in it (bladder) and, this in turn causes UTI (urinary tract infections).
  • Likewise, when the neuropathy attacks the intestinal nerves, either diarrhea or constipation becomes more or less inevitable.
  • ED (erectile dysfunction) is another worrisome possibility of the problem, when the effect is on nerves pertaining to sexual stimulation and achieving erections.
Remember, neuropathy can cause several more complications other than that mentioned above, if prompt treatment is not initiated.

Symptoms of Autonomic Diabetic Neuropathy

At this point, we again have to understand that the symptoms that manifest are reliant on the precise bodily system that the neuropathy has injured. However, let us have a brief look at the predominant signs and symptoms.

  • Vomiting/nausea
  • Fainting or dizziness
  • Loss of appetite  
  • Urine incontinence
  • Difficulty in having erections and maintaining them
  • Decline in lubrication in vagina (for women)
  • Excessive sweating
  • Sudden drop in blood pressure when trying to change the posture rapidly
APT (Artificial Pancreas Treatment) - The Only Way to Treat Autonomic Diabetic Neuropathy 
Now, there is absolutely no necessity for you to panic. Well, the ATP (artificial pancreas treatment) is here to take care of things for you!

The APT, by normalizing the metabolism of glucose, makes sure that the nerves of your whole body instantly start getting the required nourishment. And, this gradually reverses the signs of autonomic neuropathy over a period of time. You do not have to wait too long to notice that all the symptoms of the condition have vanished, thanks to APT.   

The Hyderabad-based Koya Diabetes Care, an associate of US-based Trina Healthcare is the only medical facility of India that provides Artificial Pancreas Treatment. Just trust its unique expertise and see the positive difference for yourself!

Diabetes and Nerve Damage

Diabetes associated nerve damage is called diabetic neuropathy . Approximately 60% of the diabetic population suffer from the disorder...